Latex is a booming material in the gay fetish world. Latex enthusiasts gather all over the world in RUBBERMEN groups.

In France, the FRENCH RUBBERMEN association has, since its creation, organized moments of conviviality between men who are fans of rubber : social drinks, brunch, photoshooting… across France and Europe.

For the third time FRENCH RUBBERMEN organized, on March 25, 2023 in Paris, an exceptional evening intended exclusively for guys in latex: the RUB’ZONE… an underground world where the RUBBERMEN were able to meet in a lounge atmosphere with a zone “Drink and Dance”, live DJ Florian Moginski all night and many more sex spaces dedicated to BDSM games.

FRENCH RUBBERMEN, is a dynamic association created in 2018 which offers RUBBERMEN from France and abroad social, festive and fun meetings in a friendly atmosphere. Far from traditional associative operations, its small team of volunteers is committed with dedication and efficiency to serving the community of latex fetishists.

Join us ?

The FRENCH RUBBERMEN association is exclusively made up of a board comity.

However, if you wish to contribute occasionally or more sustainably to the organization of events like Rubweek, we are always looking for hands to help with the assembly or skills in communicating with the public or our sponsors for example. Do not hesitate to contact us using the available form

FrenchRubbermen Team :